SDK Documentation Help

QR Code

QR Code is the most well-known 2D matrix symbology, originally developed in 1994 by Denso Wave, it is used in a wide variety of industries and applications.

A sample QR Code is shown below.

Sample QR Code

Symbology Characteristics

Configuration name


ISO specification

ISO/IEC 18004

Encodable character set

All 8-bit values can be encoded.


The largest symbol can encode up to 7'098 numeric characters, 4'296 alphanumeric characters, 2'953 bytes of binary data or 1'817 kanji characters.

Integrity protection

Reed-Solomon error correction, selectable (four levels)

Quiet zone

A quiet zone of four modules (4X) is required around the symbol.

QR Code is a registered trademark of DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED.

Configuration Options



Sample Configuration



Toggle recognition of QR codes with rounded finder patterns

const config = { engine: { symbologies: [ { name: "qr", roundedFPs: true } ] } }



Toggle recognition of QR codes on curved surfaces

const config = { engine: { symbologies: [ { name: "qr", curved: true } ] } }



The following elements of the ISO specification are not implemented:

  • Micro QR Code is not supported

  • ECI (Extended Channel Interpretation)

  • Structured Append

  • Model 1 QR Codes

ISO/IEC 18004:2006 stopped mentioning this first iteration of QR Code in 2006, and redefined QR Code to mean Model 2 QR Code, so we do not consider it relevant in today's landscape.

Model 1 QR Code
Last modified: 27 January 2025